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GC 4.1 Bug Report

When using GC 4.1 with more than one golfer, you may encounter a problem where the CTRL + Q and CTRL + X hotkeys do not work. As a result, the Caddie tab does not automatically switch to the next golfer who is away. The situation can occur when you use the Ball on Green tool, and there are other golfers yet to hit their approach shots.

You can continue play by noting which golfer has the asterisk by his name in the Who’s Away? tool and clicking on his Caddie tab. The problem with the hotkeys may come up in other situations (yet to be discovered). As far as I know at this point, you should always be able to continue play by using the method just described. (Other methods may work, too.)

I will fix this bug and get an updated version out to users as soon as possible. It will require some testing on my part, but I think this can be accomplished over the weekend.

Thanks to Dan Jorgenson for catching this issue!  

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