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Putting Probability Project

I’ve begun work on developing a spreadsheet tool that can help APBA Golf players make smarter decisions about “going for it” on long putts. The Putting Probability Tool shows you the percentage of time an APBA golfer makes putts at different distances and how likely they are to 3-putt from that distance. This tool is for all APBA Golf players, not just Game Caddie users.

Right now, the tool is very basic and only has about a dozen All-Time Great (ATG) golfers listed. My plan is to load all 144 of the ATG golfers into the spreadsheet over time. After that, I would like to create similar worksheets for various season card sets.

Here’s a modified screenshot of the tab that shows the probability of a golfer making a putt vs. 3-putting from specific distances:

This video on the Game Caddie Channel explains how the tool works. If you would like to help build out the tool with the ATG card set or seasons you own, please let me know. All I ask is that you share your work with the larger APBA community on this site or elsewhere. To receive a free copy of the tool (in its current state of development), please email me at smohler9@gmail.com.

One thought on “Putting Probability Project

  1. One more time, another nice article and research which could inflence us during our putting decision. Thank you Scott.

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