It had all the makings of an historically bad round, yet wasn’t. But it wasn’t pretty either–unless you mean pretty wild. Today’s round with Macdonald “Mac” Smith (1926) at Gopher Lakes was one of the most unusual I’ve ever played. It happened in the third round of my All-Time Greats (ATG) tournament. Smith began the […]
Dogleg “Common Sense”
I wince anytime I hear someone say something is “common sense.” What they basically mean is, “This is obvious to me and should be obvious to anyone who isn’t stupid.” Well, I assure you history is full of examples where what seemed obvious to people (e.g., the world is flat) turned out to be just […]
GC 4.2 Now Available
Game Caddie 4.2 with automated scoring was released today. This latest version saves you time and prevents scoring mistakes by automatically filling out the GC Scorecard for you. The scoring criteria used by GC 4.2 were described in an earlier post. These are also included in the updated User Guide. To record penalty strokes accurately, […]
GC Tip: Setting the Approach Path
Once you get within 100 yards of the pin, the Approach Caddie automatically turns on. If you have a good angle, the default target will be the pin. If not, the default target is the Pin-CL (Centerline). The Approach Caddie also has a default path–meaning the direction the ball will take to get to its […]
GC Tip: Chipping on the Green
In one of my very first posts about the GC, I discussed how to use a putter to chip from off the green. In this post, I’m going to show you how to chip when you are on the green. This situation doesn’t come up often–unless you are playing hole #6 at APBA’s Los Angeles […]
GC Tip: Help Me Help You
Occasionally, GC users will run into problems where the program does something unexpected. They will then often email me a description of the problem. Sometimes, I can figure out from that alone what went wrong. Typically, it’s either user error or a glitch in the GC, where someone has done something I never anticipated and […]
Nicklaus Wins Congressional Tournament Playoff
I recently completed a 45-player, four-round tournament at Congressional (Metro D.C.) using the Game Caddie. All players were from the APBA 1971 season card set. Here is a round-by-round summary of the event: Rd 1 – DeWitt Weaver led after the first day with a 68 followed closely by George Archer. Rd 2 – The […]
Putting Probability Project
I’ve begun work on developing a spreadsheet tool that can help APBA Golf players make smarter decisions about “going for it” on long putts. The Putting Probability Tool shows you the percentage of time an APBA golfer makes putts at different distances and how likely they are to 3-putt from that distance. This tool is […]
Advice for APBA Golf & GC Noobs
I am brand new to the APBA Golf game and community. I just received my first order from APBA about a week ago. It consisted of the base game, the All-Time Greats set, and twelve golf courses. My name is Troy a.k.a. Washmeister. I am 58 years old and live in Salt Lake City. I […]
Revised Chipping Tool
Scott recently updated the game boards to more accurately align with APBA’s boards. This post updates an earlier one about this tool by incorporating these changes and adding Sand lies to the table. When pins are located at the very edges of greens (less than a full square away), the user may also want to […]