Here is a 10-question quiz for you to assess your knowledge of the Game Caddie. Click on the “Grip it and rip it!” button to begin.
Are GC Dice Rolls Random?
Have you ever noticed that the same numbers come up a lot during a round when using the GC’s built-in dice rollers? I have, and I have no iron-clad explanation for it. This is something I’ve tested empirically by running trials of 100,000 automated dice rolls. The probability of any particular dice roll coming up […]
Rethinking How to Learn the Game Caddie
Up until recently, I have thought the best way to learn how to use the GC is to understand how all its features work. This approach was, perhaps, the only way to learn the GC up through version 3. That’s because the GC was only able to automate a few things (basically, numerical shot results). […]
2021 PGA TOUR Championship Replay: R3 Results
[This is an update to an earlier post on Round 1 and 2 results at Peachtree.] Round 3: Pin at Location 1Wind Calm/Type-A and Course Conditions Soft Without Seeding: With winds calm and the course soft, Round 3, or moving day, saw driving accuracy improve from the previous round (57.1% vs. 60.5%), while greens in regulation […]
PGA vs. APBA: FW% and Scoring
In a recent post, I looked at the relationship between Fairways Hit and Round Scores, using my Game Caddie Record Book (GCRB) dataset. I found a statistically significant -0.19 correlation, suggesting that hitting fairways off the tee is associated to some extent with better scores when playing by Master Game rules. However, the amount of […]
Lateral Movement Estimator
While the Game Caddie has built-in charts to help you plan the carry on shots, it doesn’t have anything comparable for estimating lateral movement. Of course, you can always consult the individual Club boards, but I thought it would be handy to have the information summarized in one place, so I created this table: A […]
The Importance of Hitting Fairways
It would seem to be obvious that hitting fairways off the tee leads to lower scores, but what do the data say when it comes to APBA Golf? Is the game realistic enough to capture that aspect of real golf? I did an analysis of 1,054 rounds of APBA Golf, looking at the correlation between […]
GCRB Tip: Create a Cut List
If you are playing a tournament and are using the Game Caddie Record Book (GCRB) to track stats, you may want to create a Cut List report that shows which players were eliminated. I’m going to show you one way to do that, using the GCRB’s T3 tournament configuration. (Substitute your own tournament number, if […]
2016 Masters Replay
The 2016 Masters at Augusta National is often remembered for Jordan’s Spieth’s collapse in the final round. In 2015, Jordan had led wire-to-wire and won. In 2016, Jordan again led after 54 holes, and thus expectations for another Spieth Green Jacket were high. Conditions at the Masters at Augusta National in 2016 were challenging. Thursday […]
GCRB Tip: Adding Starting Scores
The leaderboard for the Game Caddie Record Book (GCRB) rank orders players based on round scores, but what if you have a tournament where players are “handicapped” in such a way that they don’t all start out with zero strokes? The best example of this in professional golf is probably the PGA TOUR Championship, where […]