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Live Demo: GC 4.1.1

There will be a live, online demo of Game Caddie 4.1.1 this Wednesday at 7pm EDT. Veteran GC users may recall the series of videos IDJESTER and I did about a year ago, using GC 2.X. These attracted thousands of views on his YouTube channel and mine. (They have been removed from my channel, since that version of the GC is now outdated.)

The format for the new Live Demo will be similar to the previous ones. We’ll talk some about how the GC has evolved over the last year and where it may be headed. More importantly, we’ll also play some APBA Golf using the latest version of the GC and the Master Game rules.

If we can work out the video technical details, I’d like us to be able to play against one another so viewers can watch. In any case, you’ll get a chance to see how easy the current version of the GC is to use.

Everyone is invited to join us Wednesday, May 4 at 7pm EDT on the IDJESTER channel. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions or make comments during the broadcast. A recording of this event will appear shortly afterwards on the same channel.

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