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Lateral Movement Estimator

While the Game Caddie has built-in charts to help you plan the carry on shots, it doesn’t have anything comparable for estimating lateral movement. Of course, you can always consult the individual Club boards, but I thought it would be handy to have the information summarized in one place, so I created this table: 

A “Good” result with an asterisk (*) is the most frequent (or typical) result for the club or set of clubs displayed in the leftmost column of the table. Exceptions, either 5 yards more or less than the number indicated in the table, do exist for a few Player Result Numbers (PRNs), however. A “Good” result without an asterisk (*) is the result that occurs for all PRN ranges shown in the table’s footnote. The numbers shown for “Miss” hits represent the minimum and maximum values for that club or clubs.

I have found this tool to be useful when planning shots that require precision (pin-seeking) or in situations where disaster is to be avoided off the CL (water hazards, deep bunkers, etc.). To determine the direction of lateral movement, I use the APBA Club Board Tendencies chart.  

[Ed. note: JPG’s of the Lateral Movement Estimator and the APBA Club Board Tendencies chart are available on the Downloads page.]

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