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GCRB Tip: Adding Starting Scores

The leaderboard for the Game Caddie Record Book (GCRB) rank orders players based on round scores, but what if you have a tournament where players are “handicapped” in such a way that they don’t all start out with zero strokes? The best example of this in professional golf is probably the PGA TOUR Championship, where players can start with negative strokes based on prior performance.

I’ve created a way for the GCRB leaderboard report to take this into account. It involves creating one table and editing four queries, so you may want to bookmark this page if you think you’ll ever want to do this yourself. I’ll walk you through each step, but I’m going to assume you know at least a little about Access or you wouldn’t be reading this. 

Here’s a portion of the leaderboard report I’ve created for my 2021 PGA TOUR Championship replay, which is in its third round. Note the starting strokes in the far right column and how they have been used to adjust the golfers’ overall scores. This is what you should end up with when we’re done.

The examples I use in this walkthrough are for my fourth tournament. Substitute the number of your tournament wherever you see “T4.”

Step 1: Create tblStartingScore

  • From the Create tab, click on Table Design and enter the information shown below, making GolferID the primary key.  
  • Save the table as tblStartingScore and go to DataSheet View.
  • Enter your GolferID’s and SeedAdj (stroke adjustment) data. A portion of my data is shown below. In this example, top-seeded Patrick Cantlay (cantlpa01) gets a bonus of -10 strokes.

Step 2: Edit qryStatsRoundsCombinedT4

  • From Design View, add tblStartingScore. (Right-click anywhere in the gray area and select Show Table. Click on tblStartingScore, then click on Add.)
  • Link tblStartingScore to qryOrderedByHoleNoT4 on GolferID as shown below. (Click on one GolferID and drag the mouse to the other, then release. A line should now link them.)
  • Add SeedAdj from tblStartingScore to the design grid (by double-clicking on SeedAdj).
  • Create the AdjPlusMinusTournScore expression on the design grid as shown below.

Step 3: Edit qryLeaderboardT4

  • From Design View, add tblStartingScore.
  • Link tblStartingScore to qryStatsRoundsCombinedT4 on GolferID.
  • Add tblAdjScores.
  • Link tblAdjScores to qryStatRoundsCombinedT4 on AdjPlusMinusTournScore as shown below.
  • Add AdjPlusMinusTournScore from qryStatsRoundsCombinedT4 to design grid (by double-clicking on it).
  • Add AdjScore from tblAdjScores to design grid, as shown below.

Step 4: Edit qryRankedLeaderboardT4

  • Add tblStartingScore.
  • Link tblStartingScore to qryLeaderboardT4 on GolferID, as shown below.
  • Scroll down qryLeaderboardT4 and add AdjScore to design grid (by double-clicking on it).
  • Add SeedAdj from tblStartingScore to design grid.
  • On the design grid, drag PlusMinusTournScore, so that it is to the right of AdjScore and SeedAdj, as shown below.

Step 5: Edit T4 – Ranked Leaderboard report

  • From Design View, create a new label and call it Starting Strokes. Position it to the right of Total, as shown by the highlighted area in the image below.
  • Make sure Add Existing Fields is highlighted on the drop-down menu. From the Field List (on the right side of the screen), select AdjScore and drag it to the highlighted area under the Score label.
  • Select and drag SeedAdj to the highlighted area under the Starting Strokes label.
  • Delete any blank labels Access created when you added the new fields.
  • From Layout View, align boxes as necessary.

You now have a Ranked Leaderboard report suitable for PGA TOUR Championship play!

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