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GC Website Debut

As the number of Game Caddie users steadily grows, I thought it might be fun to develop a website that caters to the interests of those who, like me, want to get as much as possible out of playing the APBA Golf Master Game. Of course, this site is for anyone who wants to learn more about using the Game Caddie, but it’s intended to be much more than that.

It’s also for people who want to understand more about playing the Master Game better and more strategically. It’s for those who care about statistical realism (or lack thereof). It’s for those who appreciate the history of golf and wonder how players across different eras compare. Most of all, it’s for anyone who thinks the details matter when it comes to golf board-game simulations.

While I intend to post items regularly, my hope is that other Master Game players will also contribute their views, experiences, and suggestions. Everyone is invited to weigh in with blog posts, comments, and questions. You don’t have to be a Game Caddie fan (or even a user). You just need to be passionate about the APBA Golf Master Game.

How is this site different from “APBA Between the Lines” on Delphi? That remains to be seen, I suppose. On a personal level, I have to admit that I have never really felt all that connected to that much larger community of APBA game enthusiasts. Perhaps, that’s my fault. I know it’s a really good forum to turn to when you have a very specific question about something APBA-related. The people there are generally very helpful.

But I can never tell who the “audience” is there and whether anybody else cares about the same things I do. Often my posts get lots of views but hardly any responses. I’ve chosen not to take it personally. I think that’s just the nature of the site. That’s what I want to change. I want this site to be one where everybody who comes here feels connected.

You are invited to comment or ask questions directly on the site. If there is something you’d be willing to share as a post, email it to smohler9@gmail.com. I would absolutely love that! As long as it’s within scope and civil, I’ll make sure it appears. Differing opinions are not only okay, they’re welcome here. If this is your first post, I also need to know what byline (i.e., name) you want to use.

Thanks so much for joining me on this journey!

One thought on “GC Website Debut

  1. The Game Caddie has been a great supplement to APBA Golf. It has sped up play. More importantly, it has made me more alert to the master game rules. Many a time I would have a result that I thought didn’t make sense. Only to go back to the rule book only to find that the Game Caddie was right. This further helped my understanding of the rules. So the Game Caddie sped things along and helped me remember rules that I forgot to apply. It is a great companion to a great game. When in doubt, trust the Caddie.

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