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GC Tip: Playing with LPGA Golfers

The APBA Golf Master Game has two optional rules for playing with lady golfers. These are fairly easy to implement using the Game Caddie, as I’ll show you in this post.

The first optional rule affects the flight of Wood and Iron shots. The carry on all Woods is reduced by 30 yards. For a Hybrid through 4I, the carry is -20 yards, and for all other Irons it’s -10 yards. The same “W” and “I” columns are used as with the men. Approach shots (and putting) are not affected.

The best way to implement this rule in the GC is to treat these effects as if they were hole notes. In other words, enter the flight reductions in the Carry column of the Course Adjustments tool before each shot as shown below.

If you are playing a round with multiple LPGA golfers (and no men), you could click the Course Adjustments box to apply the Carry effect to all the others, for example, when teeing off.

The second optional rule concerns the tee location. LPGA golfers move up 10 yards on Par 3’s that are less than 200 yards and 20 yards for those that are longer. On Par 4’s that are less than 440 yards, they move up 30 yards and 40 yards for longer holes. Lady golfers move up 50 yards on all Par 5’s.

If you play a lot with LPGA golfers, you can always create a course with those dimensions factored in or edit one of the existing courses in the GC. You could even do the latter as you play, changing only the pin location you are using. You’d also need to bring the doglegs closer by whatever amount you have shortened the hole.

Alternatively, you could just add the yardage gained by the lady golfers on the tee shot to whatever number you already have in the Course Adjustments tool based on club selection (and any applicable holes notes). Using the above example, an LPGA golfer hitting a driver off the tee on a 460-yard Par 4 would have a total Carry adjustment of +10: -30 + 40 = 10. 

The tee adjustment is only done once per hole per player, of course. After that, all you have to do is make Carry adjustments based on club selection. 

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