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GC Tip: Help Me Help You

Occasionally, GC users will run into problems where the program does something unexpected. They will then often email me a description of the problem. Sometimes, I can figure out from that alone what went wrong. Typically, it’s either user error or a glitch in the GC, where someone has done something I never anticipated and they get an odd result.

What is most helpful to me is if you send me a copy of your GC as soon as the problem is discovered, ideally in the same state as when you encountered the issue. That way I can see what you are seeing and can also “look under the hood” for things that might not be obvious causes. Please include a description of the problem, telling me exactly what you were doing when the problem appeared.

In some cases, a screenshot might be enough for me to figure out what’s going on, but I prefer getting the GC file whenever possible. Usually, I can get back to you the same day with an explanation or solution. When somebody finds a problem that is likely to affect other users, I try to release an update with the fix as soon as possible.

The same holds true for any issues you run into with the Game Caddie Record Book (GCRB). By the way, if you need help customizing the GCRB, let me know. I’ve modified my copy of it to support Cut Lists, multi-round tournaments played on different courses, and reports with special features.

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