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GC Scoring Definitions

I am in the process of automating the GC Scorecard, so that users can play faster and not have to worry about how to record certain scoring details. Because some users may not be familiar with all the scoring terms*, I thought it would be useful to describe them here. 

Here is an example of the first nine holes of a GC Scorecard (minus the notes):

Here are the various scoring categories and their interpretations:

Total:  The number of strokes taken by the player on the hole. This is the same as his score.

FW:  (Fairway Hit) When a player’s tee shot ends up on the fairway on a par 4 or 5. A ball in the intermediate rough is not considered to be in the fairway. A ball that lands in the fairway but ends up elsewhere is considered to be a missed fairway. Enter a “1” when the Fairway is Hit. Leave blank when a player’s tee shot misses the fairway and on par 3’s. 

GIR:  (Green in Regulation) When a player’s ball ends up on the green with two or more strokes remaining to make par. Enter a “1” when the green is reached in regulation. Otherwise, leave blank.

ST:  (Sand Trap) When a ball comes to rest in a green-side bunker. From an APBA standpoint, this means any sand trap within 100 yards of the pin. Note that for scoring purposes waste areas and grass bunkers are not sand traps. Enter the number of times the player’s ball came to rest in a green-side bunker on the hole. (If you are using the Game Caddie Record Book to track stats, you will need to enter a “1” on the current hole and a “1” for ST on some other hole(s).)

SS:  (Sand Save) When a player is able to get down in one or two strokes after being in a green-side bunker. (One stroke means the player chipped it in.) It does not matter whether the player made par or not.

Penalties:  The number of penalty strokes incurred by the player on the hole.

Putts:  The number of putts taken by the player on the hole. A chip-shot from off the green using a putter is not counted as a putt.  

With the new automated system of scoring, you will have the option of toggling it on-or-off and editing any entry by hand. An announcement will be made on this site when it’s released.

*Definitions of scoring terms are taken from pgatour.com.

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