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GC 4.1 Now Available

The latest version of the Game Caddie, version 4.1, was released today. It contains a few small improvements, most of which have to do with the way the All in One Menu works.

The All in One Menu changes include the following:

  • Any clubs that are unavailable to you per Master Game rules are grayed out as well as any you didn’t put in your bag.
  • You receive a warning when attempting to WTB more than the allowed distance for the selected club and lie.
  • Reminder warnings will occur when there is incomplete data (e.g., a missing PRN).
  • Information from the Lie Adjustments and Restrictions chart is now included in pop-up messages for specific situations (e.g., Under a Tree).
  • When a 1st roll changes a lie type (e.g., from IR to RR), the All in One Menu recognizes it and will use the new lie type (but the lie as recorded in the Notes does not change).

The other change is that 1st rolls for Wind are now automatic when you load a new hole. You do not need to click the Dice Roller on the Conditions tab for the 1st Wind roll. You still need to apply the results by clicking on the appropriate blue box or manually entering any wind effects into the anemometer.

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