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Game Caddie Play Launches

I am pleased to announce the inaugural video for the new Game Caddie Play channel on YouTube has been uploaded. This channel will serve as a place where APBA Golf fans can watch me and others play the game live and via recordings.

The first video is a recording of me playing the front nine at Magnolia (Augusta National) with Bob Tway (1986) and Peter Jacobsen (1995) using the Game Caddie. While these videos are not intended to be tutorials, as such, I do explain how to handle various situations when they come up. This may be useful for those who are new to APBA Golf or the Game Caddie.

I also talk some about the Master Game rules, playing strategy, course features, and my past performances at Magnolia. I do not claim to be any kind of authority on APBA’s rules, but I know what works for me and I’m happy to share. Others may have legitimate reasons for interpreting these rules differently.

I’m am a novice when it comes to making these kinds of videos and livestreaming. My lack of video production knowledge and basic hardware/software set-up may not always result in the sharpest viewing experience. If it seems like these videos have an audience, I’ll work on improving both. 

To record at 1080p on StreamYard (the streaming service I used) requires a paid subscription. Please note that while I have made this first recording at 720p resolution and uploaded it at 1080p, there may be some fuzziness–especially if you watch the videos within the first few hours of their availability.  That’s because it takes YouTube several hours to process HD content of this length. If anyone has suggestions on how to improve the video quality economically, please let me know.   

2 thoughts on “Game Caddie Play Launches

  1. Once again I have to congratulate Scott for this idea to to put the game caddie in action with the APBA Golf as we say in French : “Une image vaut mille mots” that could be translate by “a picture is worth a thousand words”. Since I play this game I have always told me that It is a gentleman agreement to interpret (with rules) almost each situation as per where your ball lands (the kind of ground, the lie, the roll) what you have in front of you (obstacle, trees) what space you have ( sand trap, short sided situation…(Which often are not “real short sided” situation). An example of this “interpretation” is on the third hole where the ball of Peter Jacobson is partially blocked by trees.
    So, Scott, I will continue to read you… (now) watch you… to more and best understand the APBA Golf Game and the Game Caddie utilization… but with my own interpretation, utilization and vision !
    Thanks, Gilles

  2. Well I enjoyed the podcast Scott. It is very helpful in my limited knowledge of the APBA golf game…I hope this will continue on…A plus for presentation sir!

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