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Club Board Proofers Needed

I am trying to get a GC 4.1.2 update out as soon as possible and could use some help. I am looking for APBA Golfers to help me check the Club board results that are in the Game Caddie against the actual APBA Club board results.

I have spent the last several days scrubbing the Game Caddie for typos on the Club boards. I think I have fixed them all, but other sets of eyes to check my work would be very much appreciated.

You do not have to be a Game Caddie user to do this. I am not looking for play-testers. I need folks who can do simple proofreading of spreadsheet numbers, comparing them to the APBA Club boards.

If you are interested and have time the next couple of days to do this, please send me an email (smohler9@gmail.com). You can do as little or as much as you want. Just tell me in your email what you are up for. For example: “Scott, I’m willing to proof the Driver, 3W, and 4W boards.”

I will send all volunteers a beta version of GC 4.1.2. after I see what kind of response I get from this request.

Note: This update does come with some other improvements, but it’s the proofing that I really need help with.

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