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The Game Caddie

The Game Caddie is an Excel spreadsheet utility that helps you play the APBA Golf Master Game faster, smarter, and more easily. To use it, you need to have MS Excel (2013 or later) locally installed, the APBA Golf game, the APBA course(s) you want to play, and APBA player cards. The Game Caddie is not a replacement for APBA products; it is a free third-party enhancement. Neither the Game Caddie nor its publisher are affiliated with APBA Game Company, Inc.

To learn more about using the Game Caddie, check out the Game Caddie channel

The Game Caddie Record Book

The Game Caddie Record Book (GCRB) is a free database program that can be used to track tournament and non-tournament play. Scorecards from the Game Caddie can be exported to the GCRB or data can be entered manually. The GCRB comes pre-configured with more than 100 reports. It comes with an instruction manual and has its own GCRB channel with “how to” videos.

MS Access 2010 or later is required. Note that while some knowledge of how to use Access is helpful, the support documentation and video tutorials are geared towards the non-programmer.

To receive a free copy of the Game Caddie or Game Caddie Record Book, email your request to me at smohler9@gmail.com. If you have something you would like to share on this site in the form of a blog post, please let me know. I welcome contributors from the larger APBA Golf community.

–Scott Mohler, Ph.D.