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GC 4.3 Now Available

Game Caddie 4.3 was released today. It contains 34 proofed courses, several improvements based on user feedback,  increased functionality for some tools, and additional warning messages when user-error is suspected. Here is a list of the changes since version 4.2.1: 

  • You can now enter Wind and Course conditions on the Conditions tab manually or by clicking.
  • A Copy Putts to Caddies button has been added to the Clubs tab, so that you can record more than four putts for a golfer on a hole.
  • The Copy Hole Notes button on the Scorecard tab has been renamed to Copy Caddie Notes to make it clearer that the scoring notes on the Caddie tab will be copied—not the course notes that tell you about factors affecting that hole (e.g., All tee shots CARRY +10 yards).
  • The Scorecard now displays “Even” in the IN, OUT, and Round TOTAL columns when a player is at par in those situations. (In earlier versions, those boxes were just left blank.)
  • Juno Beach has been added to the Course Import tool and proofed. In addition, Rattlesnake, Southport, and Bear Village have been proofed. There are now a total of 34 courses in the Game Caddie, and all have been proofed thanks to a fantastic group of volunteers!
  • The Ball on Green tool can now be used more than once for the same golfer on the same hole (in those rare instances when you putt off the green and hit back on).
  • CTRL + Q, CTRL + X, and Players to Green button will now generate a warning message if you try to putt but one or more golfers is missing a green lie or an initial putting distance in the Caddie Notes. The warnings tell the user which Caddie tab is missing what information.
  • A few minor “bugs” were caught and fixed.

To obtain a free copy of GC 4.3 and its User Guide, please email me, Scott Mohler, at smohler9@gmail.com.

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