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GC Tip: Setting the Approach Path

Once you get within 100 yards of the pin, the Approach Caddie automatically turns on. If you have a good angle, the default target will be the pin. If not, the default target is the Pin-CL (Centerline).

The Approach Caddie also has a default path–meaning the direction the ball will take to get to its target. When there are two possible approach paths, the default will be the longer of the two.

Here’s an example using hole #16 at Gopher Lakes. The pin location is #2 at 400 R5. The ball is in the rough at 410 L25.

If we look at the Approach Caddie, we see that the default path to the pin is from the West of the target. (Remember, the tee is always South in the Game Caddie.)

We can change either the target or the default path in this instance. Let’s say we want to target the center of the green for safety sake. To change the target, all we have to do is edit the boxes across from the middle arrow. In this case, we delete the 5 in the Right box to make the new target on the CL at 400. 

Our path is still from the West. Here’s a visual representation of what that looks like.

Any shot results that miss the target will be applied by the Game Caddie from this perspective. If the shot result is +10 Carry and 10 Right, then the new ball location will be 390 R10 in the rough.

If we decide to change the direction of approach before the shot by clicking the Path button, we now have the option of approaching from the North.

We can then edit the target as before to be 400 on the CL. Our visualized path now looks like this.

When you change the path, the Approach Caddie will insert the new direction in the Alt Approach From box. In our example, an N appears–meaning hitting from the North–as shown below. (Simply ignore the default message above it.) If you change your mind, click the Path button again and choose the original path.

If we got the same shot result as before, +10 Carry and 10 Right, the Game Caddie will make the new ball location 390 L10 on the green. 

By the same token, if you get a text-based outcome (e.g., -5 RL5), you should apply it from the perspective of your path. If you are hitting from the North using our example, then you would have the option of putting the ball at 405 R5 or 405L5. Presumably, you would choose the former as it’s closer to the pin (1 grid-line vs. 1 grid-line and 1 diagonal).

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