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GC Tip: Tap-In Tool

From a gameplay standpoint, one of the most frustrating moments is when you are left with a tap-in. This can occur in one of two ways: (1) the result on the Putting Board is “TI” or (2) the result is “P” or “B” but your player doesn’t meet the criteria necessary for the putt to go IN.

In case you have trouble remembering those criteria, they appear in a box at the lower right of the Putting Boards.

To record the missed putt under these circumstances, enter TI into the Putting Scorecard followed by IN (both are case insensitive) as shown in the image below. That will increase the stroke count by two (one for the missed putt and one for the tap-in). It will also increase the total distance of putts made by whatever amount you have in the Tap-In tool.  

The purpose of the Tap-In tool is just to add some variety. The default distance is 0.5 feet (6 inches). You can edit this to be any amount between 0 and 1, up to six decimal places. The Tap-In tool is located just below the legend for the putting criteria.

Whatever amount you enter will become the new default distance. Tap-ins are why the Total Length Putts Made on the Scorecard are sometimes decimal amounts.

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