Game Caddie 4.2 with automated scoring was released today. This latest version saves you time and prevents scoring mistakes by automatically filling out the GC Scorecard for you. The scoring criteria used by GC 4.2 were described in an earlier post. These are also included in the updated User Guide. To record penalty strokes accurately, […]
Author: smohler9
GC Tip: Setting the Approach Path
Once you get within 100 yards of the pin, the Approach Caddie automatically turns on. If you have a good angle, the default target will be the pin. If not, the default target is the Pin-CL (Centerline). The Approach Caddie also has a default path–meaning the direction the ball will take to get to its […]
GC Tip: Chipping on the Green
In one of my very first posts about the GC, I discussed how to use a putter to chip from off the green. In this post, I’m going to show you how to chip when you are on the green. This situation doesn’t come up often–unless you are playing hole #6 at APBA’s Los Angeles […]
GC Tip: Help Me Help You
Occasionally, GC users will run into problems where the program does something unexpected. They will then often email me a description of the problem. Sometimes, I can figure out from that alone what went wrong. Typically, it’s either user error or a glitch in the GC, where someone has done something I never anticipated and […]
Putting Probability Project
I’ve begun work on developing a spreadsheet tool that can help APBA Golf players make smarter decisions about “going for it” on long putts. The Putting Probability Tool shows you the percentage of time an APBA golfer makes putts at different distances and how likely they are to 3-putt from that distance. This tool is […]
Nicklaus Takes Lead in ATG Tourney
Almost two years ago, I began a four-round tournament using all 144 players in the APBA All-Time Greats (ATG) card set. During this past week’s hiatus, I finished round 2 at Badger Links with Jack Nicklaus (1975) atop the leaderboard at -10. Round 1 at Yatch Club was completed in the spring of 2021 with Lee […]
GC Tip: Playing with LPGA Golfers
The APBA Golf Master Game has two optional rules for playing with lady golfers. These are fairly easy to implement using the Game Caddie, as I’ll show you in this post. The first optional rule affects the flight of Wood and Iron shots. The carry on all Woods is reduced by 30 yards. For a […]
GC Tip: Tap-In Tool
From a gameplay standpoint, one of the most frustrating moments is when you are left with a tap-in. This can occur in one of two ways: (1) the result on the Putting Board is “TI” or (2) the result is “P” or “B” but your player doesn’t meet the criteria necessary for the putt to […]
GC Tip: Adding Extra Putt Distance
Sometimes, when determining your lie on either the first dice roll or second from a green-side bunker you get a result (e.g., +8) that adds extra distance to your initial putt if your ball ends up on the green. In this post, I’ll show you how to handle that scenario using the Game Caddie. Let’s […]
Greatest Putters of All-Time?
Who better to ask about the greatest putters of all-time than Brad Faxon? And that’s exactly what did about a year ago. I decided to take his list and apply some APBA metrics to it. I took the All-Time Great (ATG) APBA card for each player on Faxon’s list and calculated the percentage of […]