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GC Tip: How Do I . . . ?

Newer APBA Golf Master Game players might have trouble remembering some of the rules, and even experienced ones may not always know how to implement them using the GC. That’s when the Caddie Notes tab can be useful to consult. It contains a summary of the Master Game rules, some instructions on how to use them with the GC, and a listing of all the keyboard shortcuts. 

Let’s say you want to know how to handle a shot that goes into the water. Note “N: Water Hazard/Penalty Area” tells you your options and how to employ them:

A ball that lands or rolls into a Penalty Area incurs a one-stroke penalty. The next shot may be played at the ‘Point of Entry’ into the hazard or from the original location or from a drop area, if provided. ‘Point of Entry’ may be on any playable grid line within the square containing the point. After the drop, take the next shot using only the board column for the Lie medium in effect; no first or second rolls apply; all other Lie restrictions for club selection, aiming and WTB do apply, however.

Or, let’s say you want to aim if you are short-sided, as permitted on some courses. Will the GC allow you to do that? If so, how do you do it? There are several entries pertaining to aiming in the Caddie Notes. The one that applies in this situation is Note “I: Laying Up”:

The Layup tool on the W / I Caddie permits short-sided Aiming as allowed on certain courses. A layup is a shot choice that does not reach the green, as based on a distance measured by a player’s Avg W / I Carry plus FW roll for the club chosen to make the shot. May lay up on a line not blocked by trees from the player’s POV to the target on or opposite the CL.

If a particular Caddie Note isn’t entirely clear to you, at least you will know where to go in the APBA rulebook or GC User Guide for further information. 

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